Financial Analytics Engines
Finnalytics Portfolio Optimisation Engine
Based in Dalian - China, Finnalytics Portfolio Optimisation and Management Engines enable the financial industry in a more quantitative way since 2012, with world first and only portfolio-rebalancing optimisation processor, multi-model hybrid risk measurement, real-time quantitative analysis on data feed, comprehensive multi-level portfolio analysis and stress test.

Finnalytics Portfolio Optimization Engine
  • Multi-Dimensional Composite-Model Optimization Engine
  • Customisable Boundary Conditions Including Long/Short Position Size Limits
  • Hybrid Risk Models
  • Quantitative Calculations Deliver Consistent Optimal Asset Allocations with Minimal Risks
  • Finnalytics Portfolio Management Engine
  • Firm & Fund Level Portfolio Performance Analysis
  • Liquidity Analysis
  • Portfolio Risk Exposure Analysis
  • Portfolio Multi-Level Asset Allocation Analysis
  • Fundamentals Analysis
  • Customizable Benchmarks Plus Indicators of Choice
  • Finnalytics Stress Test Engine
  • Risk-Factors Hybrid Analysis in addition to Monte Carlo and Scenario-Based Historical Tests
  • IVaR & MVaR Analysis
  • Risk Source Identification
  • Customizable Scenario Based Stress Test on Underlyings
  • Customizable Stress Test Reference/Constraint Factors
  • Finnalytics Analytics Software Intellectual Property Rights
    • Finnalytics Portfolio Optimisation Engine (2015 USA)
    • Finnalytics Portfolio Management Engine (2015 USA)
    • Finnalytics Stress Test Engine (2015 USA)
    • More international intellectual property rights in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
    • International priority date of patent application: 2012-04-27 (Full Text).
    • Multiple international and US patent applications currently on-going.
    Infringers will be pursued.

    VibeSmack Fashion Apparel
    We never publish on Apple Store, iTune or Google Play. Customers beware of counterfeit.
    6MB, MD5 Checksum: 85efc7e2768d288c175fa9df95d29af4
    Version, 2.2MB
    Free Trial
    No monthly fee. License valid for all future versions.
    The following are only applicable for purchases before 2017.12.31
    3x Devices [Purchases between 2016-10-10 and 2017.12.31]
    5x Devices [Applicable to purchases before 2016-10-10]
    AI Real-Time Audio Synchronous Visual and Tactile Effects, Any Music, Anytime.

  • CustWave Customers before 2014.12.31 get 5 VibeSmack VIP code for friends.
  • Technology
  • Finnalytics CustWave Audio Synchronous Visual/Tactile Effects;
  • Finnalytics Real-Time Audio Genre Analyzer.
  • Finnalytics Game Engine;

  • Finnalytics Ltd. Dalian, China. All rights reserved. D.L.
    Real-Time Audio Synchronous Visual & Tactile Effects
    International Intellectual Property Registration: 2015.07.29.
    Our CustWave and VibeSmack Audio Synchronous Effects and Live-Control technologies are never licensed or sold to others.CustWave Composite EffectCustWave Audio synchronous visual® and tactile® composite effect with your mobile device, touch your music and musician, touch the other side of the phone, touch everything you hear;Music Genre AnalysisFinnalytics VibeSmack is the world first and only software that can automatically analyse the genre of your music (during playback or analysed in batch), you never have to manually organise your music files again;Any Signal SourceAudio or anyother signal types from playback or real-time live signal source, e.g. microphone;Customizable Visual EffectsCustomise multiple visual effects and experience unique visual effects synchronous to input signal at real-time [International Intellectual Property Registration: 2017.04.25];Real-Time Signal InterpretationSignal processed at real-time, no need for signal calibration, experience multiple types of unique visual effects instantly;Multiple Output DeviceOutput to different external devices ranging from TV, home-projector to stage lighting and other signal controlled equipment;Multi-platformFinnalytics VibeSmack is available on PC, PAD, Mobile and other devicesMass SynchronizationMultiple devices synchronized effects;Unique ExperienceRegistered intellectual property delivers experience to be found nowhere else;Free trial for your soiree.
    Business Consulting
    For Finnalytics' analysis and perspective on the path to your success,
    contact us to arrange consulting service on your unique situation:

    Finnalytics Consulting & Analytics
    +86 411 66838253
    Customer Services: +86 411-66838253
    © Finnalytics Ltd. Dalian, China. All rights reserved